Guide of Western Asturias
By Fco. Javier Rodríguez
English version
This web page has information and links about Navia, Coaña, Castro of Coaña, and links to 17 Councils of this area. Western ASTURIAS in Spain.
All links of this area:
The "Castros" ( Archaeology sites ) in the Navia's valley
Councils of Asturias o Turism in Los Oscos - Eo
Guide of Associations o
Rural Turism Association Eo-Porcia
Beaches of Asturias (
Surfing Beaches of Asturias o Western beaches for Surf
Western beaches of Asturias o Nude Beaches in Asturias
Camp Sites of Asturias o Camp Sites of the Western of Asturias o Camp Sites of Asturias (Other)
Exceptional Camp Sites of Asturias ( Arbón, Castello, Taúran and Los Cantiles)
Lodging in western of Asturias
Lodging in the coast o Lodging in the mountain
Boarding Houses in the mountain o
Country Boarding
Houses in the coast
Galician-Asturian Language o Our language ( "A Nosa Fala" )
Wild flowers of Western Asturias
Information of this Town Council
San Martín ( infoasturias ) o San Martin of Oscos in Asturtravel o San Martín (guiastur)
San Martín de Oscos (Turastur) o San Martín de Oscos (deasturias) o San Martín (desdeasturias)
San Martín (asturiasturismo) o San Martín (vivirasturias) o San Martín (Wikipedia)
San Martín ( in galician languaje )
Hiking Route San Martín-Santa Eulalia o Hiking Route "Loma de Couso"
Hotels and apartments en San Martin
Hotel La Marquesita o Hotel "La Marquesita" ( Other )
Country Boarding House "A Cantina" o "A Cantina" ( Other )
apartments "Casa de la villa" o
de la Villa" ( Other )
Rent Apartment
"Ron" o
apartments of Ron
Boarding House "La Trapela"
Santa Eulalia de Oscos ( Santalla )
Information of this Town Council
Santa Eulalia (Turastur) o Santa Eulalia ( deasturias ) o Santa Eulalia (guiastur)
Rural Tourism in "Los Oscos" o Santa Eulalia in Asturtravel o Santa Eulalia (asturiasturismo)
Santa Eulalia (infoasturias) o Santa Eulalia (desdeasturias) o Santa Eulalia (vivirasturias)
Santalla (Wikipedia) o Santalla (in galician languaje)
Water fall of Seimeira o Hiking Route Pumares-Busqueimado o Route Ancadeira Valley
Rural Apartments "Viduedo" o Rural A. Viduedo ( As Poceiras )
Rent Apartments "Riveras" o Country Boarding House "Riveras"
Rural apartment Villabajo o C.B. House "A Casoa"
Boarding House " Riba " o
B.H. De Riba (Other) o
Youth Hostel Vega del Carro
Country Boarding House "El Tombo" o Country Boarding House "Villamartin" o Country B.H. "Casa Talan"
Country Boarding House "Freixe" o C.B: House "La Ferreria"
Hotel Casa Pedro o Hotel Casa Pedro (Other)
Hotel "Casa Rodil" o Hotel "Casa Diego"
Rural Hotel "Casona del Bosque de Pumares"
San Tirso of Abres in Asturtravel o San Tirso (Turastur)
San Tirso ( vivirasturias ) o San Tirso ( deasturias ) o San Tirso (guiastur)
San Tirso (asturiasturismo) o San Tirso (Wikipedia)
Fishing reserve Eo river ( in galician language )
"Amaido" Camp site o "Amaido" (Other) o Camp Site Amaido (Other more)
La Antigua del Eo o
Rent Apartments "Sobrelavega"
Town Council of
Tapia de Casariego
Hiking Club"Marqués de Casariego"
Information of the Town Council
Tapia de Casariego (Turastur) o Tapia in Asturtravel o Tapia ( infoasturias )
Tapia ( deasturias ) o Tapia (vivirasturias) o Tapia (guiastur) o Tapia (desdeasturias)
Tapia (britonia in galician languaje) o Tapia (asturiasturismo) o Tapia (Wikipedia)
I.E.M. of Tapia de Casariego (Secondary School)
Edes College ( Special education )
Camp site "El Carbayín" Serantes o "El Carbayin" (Other) o "El Carbayin" ( Other )
Camp site " Tapia Beach" o "Tapia Beach" (Other) o C. S. Tapia Beach ( Other )
Beaches of Serantes and Sarello o Playa de Serantes Beach (Other) o Penaronda Beach
Grande Beach o
Mexota Beach
XIV Memorial of Surf Peter Gulley
Hotels in Tapia de Casariego o Hotels of Tapia (Other)
Apartments As Tapias (Oficial web) o Apartments As Tapias (mirador900)
Hotel Puente de los Santos, ( Mirador 900) o Hotel "La Casa del Abuelo" ( Mántaras )
Information of this Town Council
Taramundi in Asturtravel o Taramundi (Turastur) o Taramundi (deasturias)
Taramundi ( infoasturias ) o Taramundi (guiastur) o Taramundi (desdeasturias)
Taramundi (asturiasturismo) o Taramundi (vivirasturias) o Taramundi (Wikipedia)
Taramundi (in galician languaje)
Etnographic places of Taramundi
Hiking route of " Los Mazos" o Hiking Route of Water o Hiking Route "Teixois"
Hiking Route of Teixo o Hiking Route Ouria-Taramundi o H.Route of Ouroso
Taramundi cheese o Taramundi cheese ( Other )
Solleiro Cider
Knifes of Taramundi
Country Boarding Houses "As Veigas" o C.B.House Aniceto o C.B. House "Petronila"
Country Boarding House "A Casoa" in Santa Marina o Country B.H. "Casas da Lexa"
Country Boarding House "A Bodega de Alfonso"
Hotel La Rectoral o More of " La Rectoral" o Other of " La Rectoral"
Information of this Town Council
Villanueva of Oscos (Turastur) o Villanueva (guiastur) o Villanueva (Wikipedia)
Villanueva in Asturtravel o Villanueva (deasturias) o Villanueva (infoasturias)
Villanueva (desdeasturias) o Villanueva (asturiasturismo) o Villanueva (vivirasturias)
Villanueva ( in galician languaje )
Hiking route of "La Bobia" o Hiking Route "La Bobia" (Other) o Hiking Route of the Woods
Country Boarding Houses "Santa Eufemia" o C.B. Houses "Santa Eufemia" (Other)
Hotel Oscos o Hotel Oscos (proeco-rural)
Visit number: from 28 September 1998 - Updated
4th Mars 2007
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